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What We Believe

Regarding the Scriptures

We take up the Scriptures believing them to be God’s Self-revelation. Trusting that the Bible is sufficient to reveal all we need to know of God, we avoid adding to or taking away from what He has inspired and preserved for us. We choose rather to “sit under” the weight of God’s truth, desiring to hear and understand, so that we might respond in faith and obedience. We study the Word of God as His living instrument to lead us to Christ and then to transform us into Christlikeness (Romans 12:1-2/Titus 2:11-15/2 Timothy 3:16-17/2 Peter 1:19-21).


Regarding sin

We embrace the Genesis account as it begins with Adam and Eve living in a sinless state. As perfect image-bearers, they enjoyed unfettered worship and unbroken fellowship with their Creator. The Genesis 3 record of the fall involves man’s declaration of independence, plunging humanity into sin and separation from God. This separation includes immediate spiritual death, eventual physical death, and ultimate eternal death in the lake of fire. We find initial hope in the promise of the “seed of woman” (Jesus Christ) as God’s eternally designated answer to this sin, shame, and separation (Genesis 3:1-15 / Romans 3:10-23 / Revelation 20:11-15).


Regarding salvation

In the Scriptures, we discover the gospel message of God’s love and provision for sin-cursed humanity. This is accomplished through the sinless life, substitutionary sacrifice, and triumphant resurrection of His only begotten Son. We declare Christ’s atoning work as the provision for man’s justification in the sight of God available to all who will believe. We understand regeneration to be the work of God, granting spiritual life that is both abundant and eternal. We anticipate an ultimate salvation that awaits all believers, where each will be glorified and ushered into the presence of God in heaven (John 3:14-18 / Acts 16:30-31 / Romans 10:8-17 / 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 / Revelation 21:1-7).


Regarding security

We proclaim the security of the believer as resting in the promise of God through Jesus Christ’s provision. We renounce the idea that God’s favor can be secured or advanced by human works. We teach that the punitive judgment for sin has been dealt with in the cross of Christ and that the parental chastening that believers experience is intended to restore fellowship with the Heavenly Father. We understand that every individual is responsible to respond in faith to the gospel, and that God Himself promises eternal life to all who will believe. We teach as well that holiness of life is the consistent testimony of God’s children in response to His saving grace (John 10:27-30 / Romans 5:1-2, 8:1-39 / Ephesians 2:8-9 / 1 Peter 1:13-16).

679 West Main St. / Smithville, Ohio 44677 / 330.669.2535
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